Category: TCK’s

The section is dedicated to the topic of Third Culture Kids (i.e. “A Third Culture Kid (TCK) is a person who has spent a significant part of his or her developmental years outside the parents’ culture. The TCK frequently builds relationships to all of the cultures, while not having full ownership in any. Although elements from each culture may be assimilated into the TCK’s life experience, the sense of belonging is in relationship to others of similar background.” def. by David C. Pollock)
The life as a Third Culture Kid or a Adult Third Culture Kid has many advantages but also some disadvantages. In my posts in this section I try to point out the major aspects of this kind of lifestyle.

Boarding schools…

I am always interested in learning about other cultures’ habits. I usually am quite understanding, but there some aspects I can understand on a rational level only, and have troubles accepting them on an emotional one. Especially when children and families are involved, I tend to have a […]

Some songs to remember

The end of the school year is the toughest time for expats or internationally living families. To the usual change of class the change due to friends moving abroad is the one that affects us the most. We begin early to build a R.A.F.T. and say goodbye over […]