
Very Inspiring Blogger Award

I just received my first Christmas present this year! A big thank you to Kathleen from Expat Alien who just nomitated me for the Very Inspiring Blogger Award. Kathleen is an American global nomad and writes about Expat life, TCK and more. Go and check her blog!

Bildschirmfoto 2012-12-16 um 19.09.18

The Rules
1.Display the award logo on your blog.
2.Link back to the person who nominated you.
3.State 7 things about yourself.
4.Nominate 15 bloggers for this blog and link to their pages.
5.Notify these bloggers of the nomination and the awards’ requirements.

7 things you might not know about me

1. I’m learning a new language…

2. My official jobs are  “freelance writer” and “freelance language teacher”.

3. I’ve learned three languages that nobody talks anymore: Latin, Old French and Old Provençal.

4. I would like to have my own little cinema – café where I would show only selected films to small groups and discuss the films afterwards with a cup of coffee/tea and some delicious food 😉

5. Going to art museums and Libraries helps me to recharge my batteries.

6. I would like chocolate to be a vitamine…

7. I love the blog-world 😉

These are some blogs that you should check out:

Journalofabilingualfamily is Annika’s wonderful blog about how to be bilingual

wonderlandbytatu is Tatu’s very inspiring blog about everyday bit’s and pieces

New Mexico in Italy is Hope’s beautiful blog about everyday life in Florence

Girl in Florence is Georgette’s blog about Florence, Pisa, Lucca etc. with beautiful pictures and posts!

onraisingbilingualchildren is Eowyn Crisfields very informative and inspirational blog about raising bilingual children

Raising Kids with disabilities and remaining sane is Linda’s blog about her life with her 5 children who happen to have disabilities

Teach the sprog is Nick’s very inspiring blog about how and what to teach our children

Drieculturen is Janneke’s blog about being TCK, raising kids abroad, raising kids in the Netherlands and more

Categories: Blogging

9 replies »

  1. Hi fellow TCK Ute, Congratulations and thank you for nominating me for this interesting blog award. Just like you I am enjoying the blog world, I do hope that one day soon (maybe in 2013?) we will meet in real life! greetings Janneke
    Ps. is the new language you are learning Dutch?


    • Hi Janneke, it would be great if we could meet in real life! Let’s see how we can arrange that. The new language is not Dutch – ik spreek en schrijf al goed Nederlands – but Spanish. I have a good passive competence, but need to learn it properly in order to be able to speak it.


  2. Hello, a sincere, belated thank you for the nomination…sorry for being the newbie, I only now realized that action was required…I’ll try to figure out how to do this, but can I email you for help if my blogging skills aren’t quite adequate?


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